Last Tuesday 28th of June, in a ceremony held at La “Llotja de Mar” in Barcelona, the Biosphere certifications and distinctions of the program Commitment to Sustainable Tourism Destination Barcelona Biosphere were awarded to a total of 844 companies: 643 renewing the certification and 201 joining to the program.

The event was attended by Jaume Collboni, first deputy mayor of Barcelona City Council, Abigail Garrido, deputy for Tourism of the Barcelona Provincial Council, Mònica Roca i Aparici, president of the Barcelona Chamber of Commerce, and Marian Muro, general director of the Barcelona Tourism Consortium. In addition, representatives of the Responsible Tourism Institute and the Biosphere Destination Community have addressed a few words to the companies that have received the distinctive.

The project, born in 2017 and promoted by the Barcelona Provincial Council with the Institute of Responsible Tourism (ITR) and the Barcelona Chamber of Commerce, incorporated in 2019 the Barcelona City Council and the Barcelona Tourism Consortium. The aim is to recognize those entities that are committed to a respectful management with the environment, the culture and the social and economic return of the city and the counties of Barcelona.

The Commitment bases its methodology on the work around the 17 sustainable development goals of the United Nations 2030 Agenda.

Companies that obtain the Biosphere Sustainable Lifestyle certification can apply for the Safe Travels at the Barcelona Tourism Consortium. This certification is the first one worldwide approved and allows the recognition in every country of the world to companies, entities and destinations that carry out actions of prevention and hygiene against COVID-19, with the objective of generating safe spaces for travellers.

The Commitment to Sustainable Tourism Destination Barcelona Biosphere responds to the desire of tour operators to promote a more careful tourism and to the wishes of visitors to be able to travel with the utmost respect for the environment.

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The deployment of these measures means a new tourist positioning, which increases the competitiveness of Destination Barcelona, formed by the city of Barcelona and the 12 counties of the province.

Destination Barcelona receives the Platinum Certification

Destination Barcelona, the city and the three tourist brands of the province; Costa Barcelona, Paisatges Barcelona and Pirineus Barcelona, has become the first destination in the world to receive the Platinum Certification. The Responsible Tourism Institute has awarded to Barcelona Destination the Biosphere Platinum Certification for its willingness to promote from the own institutions a respectful and committed tourism with the environment. In 2011, Barcelona was the first urban destination in the world to obtain the Biosphere certification. Later, the city of Barcelona and the three tourist brands of the province obtained the Biosphere Gold qualification.

The Biosphere Platinum distinction recognizes not only the willingness of the administration to ensure the companies make sustainable efforts, but also to assume as its own and implement the good practices it promotes.

Through the Biosphere certification, the Responsible Tourism Institute has been promoting a responsible tourism on an international scale for more than twenty years, helping the agents of the tourism sector to develop a new way of traveling and knowing the world that surrounds us. The organization is associated to the World Tourism Organization, linked to UNESCO and accredited by the Global Sustainable Tourism Council.

Closing of the month of sustainability „+ tourism sustainability. June 2022“

The ceremony of the certifications and distinctions of the Commitment to Sustainable Tourism Destination Barcelona Biosphere also marked the closing of the activities dedicated to the month of sustainability through the campaign „+ tourism sustainability. June 2022“.

The campaign „+ tourism sustainability. June 2022“ brings together a series of events around sustainable and responsible tourism in Barcelona counties. Promoted by the Barcelona Provincial Council, the Barcelona City Council and Tourism of Barcelona, during the month of June, offers actions and reflections for the promotion of sustainable tourism in Destination Barcelona, directed to the tourism sector and to the final public.

The Commitment companies for Sustainable Tourism Destination Barcelona Biosphere in data

Companies by territory:

  • 844 companies throughout the province.
  • 336 in the city. 229 renewing certification and 107 joining the program.
  • 508 from the 12 counties of Barcelona. 414 renewing certification and 94 joining the program.

Companies by region:

57 Alt Penedès, 21 Anoia, 31 Bages, 60 Baix Llobregat, 337 Barcelonés, 35

Berguedà, 95 Maresme, 64 Garraf, 8 Moianès, 51 Osona, 37 Vallès Occidental, 48 Vallès Oriental.

Companies by category:

51 travel agencies, 47 rural accommodation, 193 tourist accommodation, 7 campsites, 34 wineries, 35 shops, 38 destinations, 40 event companies, MICE, 5 protected natural spaces, 28 tourist guides, 57 museums and interpretation centres, 47 tourist information offices, 5 sports event companies, 34 experience organisers, 4 conference centres, 46 beaches, 3 sport marinas, 64 restaurants, 17 public transports, 1 wellness and 88 companies of other services.