Did you know that the first projector was invented in 1879 by Eadwerard Muybridge and its name was Zoopraxiscope? This allowed the development of the early cinema and the projection of cinematographic films. Now, after almost 150 years, we can say that projection...
Choosing the right sound system for a corporate event, suitable for space and number of attendees, among other factors, is essential when planning the whole project. Did you know that at OCTO we have high-performance Speaker rental for your event? We must pay...
We all want our event to be perfect, just as we imagined it, that visitors have a good impression and a unique experience and that they remember our brand. To make the event attractive to others, audiovisual elements such as screens are a very good option to attract...
When a brand, company, organization or institution wants to make an event for some guests, they want everything to be perfect, that people feel comfortable during the event, that they leave happy for having attended and that they retain it in their memory and remember...
Having an accurate planning of the materials to be used for an event, fair or congress is a fundamental aspect, because without it, it will be difficult to offer a quality service. A good logistics for events will allow each service to be carried out with the time and...
The elements to illuminate a stage in any type of event always have a great importance, since it is the base element that will allow us to maintain a correct visualization of the event, in addition to being able to create different environments or contrasts in favor...